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Buying/Selling Real Estate


Anyone who has bought or sold a home in Florida knows that the contracts that govern the sales can be incredibly complicated. Real estate contracts contain many terms that require the parties to take certain actions and provide them with specific remedies if the other party fails to do what they are suppose to do. Included in those terms are contingencies and this post will discuss those in more detail.


A contingency is a term that must be completed for a contract to go through. For example, a common contingency that readers may see in residential real estate contracts regards loan procurement. The purchase of the home may be contingent upon the buyer obtaining a loan to cover the costs of the home and meet their financial needs.


Many contingencies are standard and appear in practically all real estate purchase agreements. Others may be specific to the needs of the parties. While the purchase of a home may be made contingent on the home passing all regular inspections, it may also be made contingent on a buyer selling their existing home before closing on their new home.


Because contingencies can make or break real estate contracts, it is a good idea to have attorneys involved in the home buying and selling process. These legal professionals can help their clients work through their agreements to ensure that they both understand and approve all the terms they will be bound to uphold. The failure of a person to fully understand their commitments under a real estate purchase agreement may land them in financial or legal difficulties later on.


Foreclosure Defense


Your home is your most important asset, and the thought of losing it can certainly be a good reason to keep you up at night. If you are behind on your mortgage payments, what you do next can make the difference between saving your home and losing it to foreclosure.

At Bates-Buchanan & Savitsky Law, our Foreclosure Attorneys are here to help you stay in your home. We offer a $50 initial consultation to discuss your mortgage debt problem and help you find a solution. Serving clients in all of Florida for over 20 years. We’ve helped thousands of homeowners avoid foreclosure and save their homes. To learn more about our services and how our Foreclosure Attorneys can help you, schedule a consultation now with absolutely no commitment.


Act Now To Stop Foreclosure

The farther behind you get on your mortgage payments, the harder it is to save your home. Once you receive foreclosure papers, you have only 20 days to respond. If you don't, you can lose your property.


​There are also option for mortgage modification through the State Court, or Federal Court through Ch 13 Bankruptcy, Mortgage Modification Mediation Program. This can allow you to reschedule your loan, drop your interest rate, reduce the loan's value which would reduce payment amounts, or put missed payments on the end of the loan. It could also discharge 2nd mortgages. â€‹




Foreclosure laws govern the foreclosure process and vary based on state and local jurisdiction. Particularly in the state of Florida, some specific laws and procedures aim to protect lenders, borrowers, and investors involved in foreclosure proceedings.

So, whether you are a Florida homeowner struggling to make mortgage payments or a potential buyer looking to purchase a foreclosed property, it is essential to know the applicable laws and regulations involved in the process. Foreclosure cases can be complex and lengthy, so knowing your rights and obligations as well as consulting a foreclosure lawyer will help you make informed decisions that protect your interests. 

Understanding the Foreclosure Process


The Florida foreclosure process begins when the borrower (homeowner) cannot make mortgage payments. As a result, the lender (bank or financial institution) must initiate a foreclosure to recover the amount owed on the mortgage. An overview of the foreclosure process in Florida is as follows:

  1. The borrower defaults on the loan: In Florida, foreclosure proceedings typically begin after a homeowner has missed three or more mortgage payments to their lender as per their loan agreement.

  2. The lender sends a Notice of Default to the borrower: A Notice of Default is a formal notification that the borrower has breached the terms of the loan agreement. This notice is required by Florida law before the lender can initiate a foreclosure.

  3. The borrower can cure the default: After receiving the Notice of Default, homeowners have 30 days to cure the default and avoid foreclosure by paying the missed payments, accrued interest, and any applicable fees.

  4. The lender files a lawsuit: If the borrower does not bring the payments up to date within 30 days of receiving the Notice of Default, then the lender can file a lawsuit against the borrower.

  5. The borrower is served with a complaint and summons: The complaint is the lawsuit, and the summons is a document notifying the homeowner that they are being sued. After the homeowner receives the complaint and summons, they have 20 days to respond to the lawsuit.

    1. If the borrower responds to the lawsuit, the case can go to court, and a judge will decide based on the facts and evidence of the case.

    2. If the borrower does not respond to the lawsuit, the lender can obtain a Default Judgment from the court, requesting that the judge favor the lender because the borrower has not tried to refute the foreclosure.

  6. The court issues a Final Judgment of Foreclosure: The Final Judgment of Foreclosure will determine if the judge ruled in favor of the borrower or lender.

    1. If the ruling favors the borrower, it will dismiss the lender’s case.

    2. If the ruling favors the lender, they can schedule an auction to sell the property to recoup their financial loss.

  7. The property is sold at a public auction: The auction (hyperlink to blog 19 once posted on the website) is typically held on the courthouse steps or online, and the property is sold to the highest bidder.

    1. If the property does not sell at the auction, the lender becomes the owner and can sell it through a real estate agent.

    2. If the sale proceeds are not enough to cover the outstanding balance of the loan, the lender may seek a Deficiency Judgment against the borrower for the remaining balance.

Overall, the foreclosure process in Florida typically takes around 180 days from the initial default to the sale of the property. It is important to emphasize that foreclosure laws and procedures can be complex, so Florida homeowners should know essential foreclosure laws.


Key Foreclosure Laws in Florida 

In foreclosure proceedings, the role of the courts can vary depending on whether the foreclosure is judicial or non-judicial. In a judicial foreclosure, the lender files a lawsuit against the borrower to obtain a court order to foreclose on the property. The court oversees the foreclosure process, and the borrower can contest the foreclosure in court.

In Florida, the court’s role is judicial and aims to protect both lenders and borrowers. Some of these key laws include:

  • Notice Requirements: This law ensures parties are properly notified of any legal action that concerns them. Florida has specific notice requirements that must be met before either party can pursue legal action against the other.

  • Right to Cure: This law ensures borrowers have an opportunity to cure the default and fight the foreclosure.

  • Complaint and Summons: This law allows the lender to file a complaint and summons with the court if the borrower does not cure the default. A complaint and summons are official documents that legally initiate the lawsuit.

  • Opportunity to Respond: This law gives the borrower 20 days to respond to the complaint and summons. If the borrower does not respond, the lender can obtain a Default Judgment.

  • Redemption Period: In Florida, the right of redemption law allows a homeowner to reclaim their property at any time before the foreclosure sale. This can be done by paying the outstanding mortgage debt, interest, and any additional fees associated with the foreclosure.

  • Final Judgment of Foreclosure: This law ensures both parties can present their case to the judge before receiving a verdict. After the case goes to trial, the court will eventually issue a Final Judgment of Foreclosure detailing the judge’s ruling.


Essentially, these requirements serve to protect the rights of lenders and borrowers alike, and they outline the foreclosure timeline. In other words, understanding these critical requirements in Florida’s foreclosure proceedings can help homeowners exercise their legal rights and possibly avoid the consequences of foreclosure.


Notice Requirements

In Florida, there are specific notice requirements that must be met before lenders can pursue a foreclosure against the borrower. These notices include:

  1. Notice of Default: The lender sends this notice to the borrower after they have missed three or more mortgage payments. It informs the borrower they are in default, and foreclosure proceedings may begin if the default is not cured within 30 days.

  2. Notice of Intent to Accelerate: The lender sends this notice to the borrower if they do not cure the default within 30 days. It informs the borrower that the lender intends to accelerate the mortgage and demand payment of the entire loan amount.

  3. Notice of Acceleration: The lender sends this notice to the borrower after they send the Notice of Intent to Accelerate. It informs the borrower the lender has accelerated the mortgage and that the entire loan amount is now due.

  4. Notice of Sale: The lender sends this notice to the borrower after the foreclosure lawsuit is filed and the court issues a Final Judgment of Foreclosure in favor of the lender. It informs the borrower of the date, time, and location of the public auction where the property will be sold.

Furthermore, the Notice of Sale requirement in Florida ensures homeowners and interested parties are aware of the impending foreclosure auction date in the following ways:

  • The lender must provide the Notice of Sale at least 20 days before the scheduled auction.

  • The notice must be published in a local newspaper once a week for two consecutive weeks before the scheduled auction date.

  • The notice must be posted on the property itself.

  • The notice must be posted in a conspicuous location at the courthouse.

It is important to note that homeowners facing foreclosure can also check public records in the clerk of the court’s office to obtain information about the foreclosure process, including the auction date. Additionally, homeowners can contact their lender or a foreclosure lawyer for guidance and support.


Options for Homeowners 

As a homeowner in Florida, several options are available to avoid or address foreclosure. These options include:

  1. Loan Modification: Loan modifications involve modifying the terms of your mortgage loan to make the payments more affordable. This could include a reduction in the interest rate, an extension of the loan term, or a change in the type of loan.

  2. Forbearance: A forbearance agreement allows you to temporarily suspend or reduce your mortgage payments while you get back on your feet. Once the forbearance period ends, you must catch up on the missed payments.

  3. Short Sale: In a short sale, the lender agrees to accept less than the total amount owed on the mortgage in exchange for the sale of the property. This option can help you avoid foreclosure and minimize the impact on your credit score.

  4. Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure: With this option, you voluntarily transfer property ownership to the lender in exchange for forgiveness of the remaining mortgage debt.

  5. Bankruptcy: Filing for bankruptcy can stop the foreclosure process and give you time to catch up on missed payments. However, it can have a significant impact on your credit score and is generally considered a last resort.

It is important to remember that each option has its pros and cons, and not all options may be available to every homeowner. It is always a good idea to consult with a qualified attorney or housing counselor to determine the best course of action for your specific situation.

Schedule a $50 Consultation


Legal Recourse and Defenses

Aside from the options mentioned above, homeowners facing foreclosure can also pursue legal recourses, such as seeking assistance from government programs. For example, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development provides guidance on default and foreclosure prevention.


Moreover, homeowners can challenge foreclosure auctions in court to avoid losing their homes. Once a foreclosure auction is scheduled, the borrower can file a motion to cancel the sale with the court. This motion can be based on several grounds, such as a defect in the foreclosure process, improper notice, or irregularities in the auction itself.

If the motion is granted, the foreclosure sale will be canceled, and the borrower will have more time to work out a solution with the lender. If the motion is denied, the foreclosure sale will proceed, and the property will be sold to the highest bidder.

The borrower can also challenge the sale if the property was sold for less than its fair market value, which a property appraisal can determine. If successful, the court may order a new auction or award damages to the borrower. Overall, challenging a foreclosure auction in court can be a difficult and time-consuming, but it is essential for homeowners who want to protect their rights and investments. 


Seeking Legal Counsel

All in all, foreclosure laws are complex and can vary based on state and local jurisdiction. You should first have a good understanding of the overall foreclosure process. Then when you are ready, review the specific laws and regulations that govern the foreclosure process in your state. It is important to note that Florida homeowners considering foreclosure defense strategies should consult a foreclosure lawyer to determine which option is best for their situation. A qualified professional can provide guidance on the potential risks and benefits of each strategy and help homeowners make informed decisions.


Furthermore, the court’s role in Florida is judicial and aims to protect both lenders and borrowers. In other words, both parties have specific rights, including the homeowner’s right to cure the default, respond to the complaint and summons, and reclaim their property before the foreclosure sale is finalized.


Florida foreclosure laws can be complex, so homeowners and investors should understand their rights and options to navigate this challenging process. In addition to seeking assistance from government programs, borrowers can also contact their lender or a foreclosure lawyer for guidance and support.



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Venice, FL 34285

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